Wall Art

Our wall art collection is packed full of inspiring pieces to spark conversation and feed your soul. Whether you love line drawings by Paper Collective or statement mirrored designs, you'll find a plethora of choices in our diverse range.

In our pictures and wall art selection, look out for canvases featuring idyllic landscapes that transport your imagination far away. Realistic colours create a lifelike effect, while the brights feel inventive and surreal. You can go for a modern aesthetic with silk screens in abstract prints and bold shapes, or keep it classic with photographs of some of the world's most-loved landmarks, from the Empire State Building to the Eiffel Tower. You'll find reproductions of famous paintings in the collection, complete with unexpected and modern spins.

To really draw the eye, why not go for 3D models and sculptures from the designer wall art lineup? You can hang stained glass panels in front of windows to cast the room in a colourful glow when the light comes flooding in. Also, look out for wall hangers in nature-inspired shapes to bring a hint of the outside in. Use our green Project Earth banner to easily spot the pieces that have been made from recycled materials, for example.

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35/35 results